Fundamental Principles

If you understand my Fundamental Principles, there is a good chance you will know which way I will vote in general. Is what is being proposed restrict freedom in any way? Probably against it. Does it cost the tax payers more money? Probably against it. Does it help ensure or restore a freedom? I'm probably for it. Does it put hard earned money back in our pocket? Probably for it. Does it give the government more power or make the governemnt larger? Probably against it. Does it reduce dependence on the government? Probably for it.

Scott Forte - Back to the Basics
When in doubt, trust freedom and the free market.

Small, Limited, Government.

When this Nation was founded, we desired one thing more than anything: Freedom. The United States is The Land of the Free, although in recent years some of us have forgotten that. Some people think the government has a magic money tree that can solve all our problems. That could not be further from the truth. We need to dramatically reduce the size, scope, and power of all bodies of government: Federal, State, and Local. Just because we can make rules, doesn't mean we need to.

The Free Market

The government should not try to solve problems by creating more government or burdening the tax payers with programs they think will solve a problem.

The free market will always provide the best solution if the demand is truly there. Innovation flourishes when the goverment steps back. De-regulation helped the airlines, and private healthcare outperforms public healthcare in every country in the world.

AirBnB and Uber are perfect examples of where innovation can make the world a better place and regulation is doing nothing but hurting the consumer and average citizen.

Capitalism at it's Finest

Small Local Government

The founder of this great nation are rolling over in their graves the way this country is being run. Democrats and Republicans are both in the wrong for giving this much power to the federal government.

We need to get back to the basics: absolute minimal Federal and State government. Allow local bodies to govern their own people. There is not a one size fits all solution to problems. A solution in one part of the country could harm another part.

The divisiveness of our 2 party system needs to stop. My Live Free of Die Act will give power back to the people and force politicians to work together.

Life Free or Die Act


The centralization of power and tax revenue are are the core of what is wrong with United States government.

By collecting tax revenue from all and allocating it to a few, the problems of a the local community are frequently overlooked. Tax revenue needs to be collected and distributed locally.

User fees, local taxes and local government initiative would allow us to reduce our dependence on the Federal and State governments and put power, and money, back in the hands of the people.

Large scale projects do not require the centerlization of funds, but the support of the people. If the people support an initiative, the ways and means will arise through the free market and innovation.

My Position on Taxes
Change The World

10 Minutes + 1 Penny

Part of the plan to reduce government spending is to increase philanthropy. We need to show the world we are ready to put our money hard-earned money and invaluable time towards causes we truly believe in. Only with a charitable heart will we be able to reduce our dependence on the government.

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